Wednesday 30 January 2019

I'm Letting Go // Project 365 // Day 30

In autumn the trees shed their leaves, they show us how beautiful it can be to let the dead things go. As they turn vibrant colours and blanket the ground a crunch beneath your step. We begin to wrap up warmer as the days become more crisp.

People have there autumns too and now I realise you're the dead thing I need to let go.

An act I wish was easier, but like those regretful days as autumn begins, when you still grip on to summer and leave the house without a jacket, you only end up cold and disappointed.

As summer dwindled to an end and the warm days disappeared so did you, so did a lot of things, and suddenly my life seemed to have shed without any warning, a reality I didn't want to face.

Now amongst the colder days of winter I realise that as seasons change so do the seasons of our lives. And we just wouldn't have been able to face the coldness of winter together. It would have become too bitter. Your blasting chill would have made for a bleaker winter.

The severe frost you create, reminds me that I no longer know you.

I seek warmth elsewhere now.

Spring is on the horizon soon, the world will reawaken soon.

Time changes everything.


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