Monday 7 January 2013

A New Year...

1 Year
12 Months
365 days
525,600 minutes
31,536,000 Seconds

Now before I break out into “Seasons of Love” from rent and attempt to measure a year in sunsets, speeding tickets and a whole host of other things that I do not believe can measure a year I think its time to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! We have officially entered 2013 and we are venturing into a brand new year. Many believe that a new year equals a new start whilst it probably is the best time to put your head down and make all the changes that your heart desires and make resolutions it is maybe a little pointless as in a way you are setting yourself up to fail… why do I say that? Well come back to me at the end of January or next year when you are making the resolutions again. 

So 2012 started on a low for me as I was let go from my job and my last shift was on the 2nd of January but all is good as they phoned me up at the end of February and I have been there ever since and was officially made permanent at the end of September. The world of work and me have been getting along quite well although it does often prevent me from having a life…. We can’t have it all can we… well not with school, homework, studying and work.  (And in other news 2012 was the year I started my own business for a year check out The Cold Infinity a licensed business in the UK until July 2013)

But 2012 has proved to me that at any moment you can make a change and start again. That change only happens when you make them happen. Though sometimes things are out of your control you have to roll with changes that life brings, stand your ground when you need to and don’t let people walk all over you. The last few years I have learnt that the hard way, but now I am comfortable enough with myself that I believe I now know when to pick my battles and have only one rule for 2013 not to fuss over the little stuff.

So here’s to 2013 all 31,536,000 seconds of it and measuring the year in friendships, moments, laughter and of course in the changes that happen.