Thursday 12 January 2017

#LifeinaPicture : Focusing on the Lows

I’m going to start a series over here, that I do on my Instagram from time to time, called #LifeinaPicture where I take a picture and kinda explain whats being happening even though the picture may not convey the story, thoughts or emotions. 

Life in a Picture - 11/01/17

Today was a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows,  I woke up late the alarm didn’t go off and luckily I only woke up half an hour late. I was going out shopping with a friend who over the past few years due to work or college related things I have cancelled or rescheduled on often. So these days even though work still gets in the way a lot I try my best to not cancel on her.  

 So when work asked me to do a shift on my first day off after 10 days on the trot and even though I knew I was over worked, tired and needed the rest I said yes.  I have a guilty conscious and even though it was them who were not organised to fill the shift I felt bad.  

So here’s to trying to fit everything in and half the best of both worlds… which never happens, the day ends up feeling rushed, stressful and never ending.  

I was subtly reminded amongst the shopping and spot of lunch what a crappy friend I can be. And when I got to work was reminded what a unthankful task that can be.  

It’s a lot of things were just coming my way telling me I was doing a horrible job at everything which leads me to sitting in my bed at 20 past 1 in the morning crying out my frustration. 

I try, I really try. I have been worked to the bone, had no thanks, been let down by my management time after time and basically been told to suck it up. (literally at one point told to continue taking shifts for a job role that I wasn’t getting correctly paid for and had not been given the promotion for as to not look like a “sore loser” ) 

Working with the public is thankless, people complain over menial things and management take it seriously. And most of the time I try to let what happens in a day just wash right over me, but sometimes it sticks. So again I’m stuck with nights like tonight with a deep need to quit my job and not being able to.

One day… one day soon, maybe. 

I realised I’ve focused on the lows so here are the highs; finally got my Michael Korrs Access to work, went record shopping, lunch with one of my best friends, made plans with a friend I haven’t seen in a long while.

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