As the New Year comes in with a bang
Here are some Hangover Cures to stock up on before you need them.
I honestly can't even think about food after a night of drinking unless I'm still already drunk and we've stumbled upon somwhere that does chips. Come morning and I actually have to function as a human being it takes me a while before I can really stomach anything and this has come from a lot of trial and error. A major error being my mum thinking a full english breakfast would be a good idea after my first proper drinking session and I was violently sick whither it was the food or the drink we'll never know...
Innocent Antioxident Smoothie.
I genuinely didn't know how I felt about this the first time I drank it but now I reach for it when ever I'm in need of a pick me up. It honestly just makes me feel miles better, whither I've been out all night having a drink or just been up all night binge watching a show. Defiantly one to put in your fridge.
Irn Bru
I'm a sugar free kinda gal, but the regular stuff would work too. Sometimes you just need something fizzy and Irn Bru is a honest to god hangover cure. I always grab a bottle of this especially if I have to work or socialise after a night out as it keeps me awake as well as keeping me sane.
I make sure I have a bottle of water ready to take up to bed with me when I come in and force myself to drink it eveytime I wake up, which is a lot as I have really bad sleeps if I've been drinking. This really helps me wake up a little bit fresher as the few times I have forgotten this have not been very pleasant as well.
So remember to drink responsibly and have a fantastic New Year.