Monday 25 November 2019

Noel Coward // Project 365 // Day 329

I took this trip to London with my mum a pre-christmas get away. Dear Evan Hansen opening in the West End was coincided with Les Mis in concert like a match made in heaven something for her, something for me.

But what came with that was taking her to see my beloved Dear Evan Hansen. A musical I loved. You will be found is a song that makes me cry just by playing, it helped me through a dark period. I love it.  We saw Hugh Jackman at the beginning of the year and he sang it and I cried and she didn't understand the real punch this song packs.

Describing the musical to her didn't really sell her but she was more than happy to come along and see what it was about.

Now she raves about it to all who will listen and its the greatest joy to be able to have shared this with her and for her to love it.

The music, the quiet moments, the characters.

The realism.

It's stunning.

You will cry. You will laugh and You will cry again.


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