Friday 21 October 2016

Monthly Motivation: Don't Beat Yourself Up!

My monthly motivations tend to come from a specific lesson I thought I had learned in a month. One that prominently stuck out. Which makes this hard advice to dole out considering I spent most of September beating myself up over mistakes I had made. As though they made me less of a person.

Three major things happened in September that I really struggled with the aftermath of. It wasn't my actions that changed me but how I treated myself in the days and weeks after.

What was worse that all three actions happened quite early in the month and close together. I had barely dealt with one before I had to deal with the next and that subsequently made it all a lot harder to process.

I fucked up and I wasn't used to fucking up on such a monumental scale and to be honest I wasn't equipped to cope with what it felt like.

I was really hard on myself it stopped me enjoying little moments in life. I was to busy punishing myself and as a result people noticed. I had a chat with a few of them which resulted in the same end to the conversation. That a mistake is only bad if you don't learn from it.

If I were to do it again then it would be bad, I wouldn't have learned. I had to stop beating myself up over these instances, everything was fixable and I was fine. And truthfully I would like to say it was that easy and I had a more c'est la vie look on what happened. But I still struggle. Not to the extent that I was but its an ongoing battle.

But I have realised that talking to people helps lighten the burden and get a different perspective on the situation does help a lot.  And to not be as quick to judge yourself. Your doing your best don't be so hard on yourself. Even if it feels like the end of the world its defiantly not.

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