Monday 25 August 2014

Look down each road...

There are some moments in out life that we can clearly pinpoint as the moment things changed. There was a clear decision where we wandered down one path instead of another and ended up where we are now. There are moments in hindsight that are important but when stood here we didn't realise how much it would affect who we become. Then there are moments that slowly change everything, without you realising it and then one day your stood wondering what happened. 

There will always be a multitude of life's that could have been. If you spend enough time thinking about them, you can idolise these other life's in a way that lessors the life you lived the great and bad experiences that brought you to this point. 

Hindsight's 20/20 but idolisations of the life that could have been blinds us. In dreaming of another life it will escape you the human moments that will still arise in them. Life is messy. 

If your not happy with your life, take charge make this moment the one where you choose the path that will make you happier. Choose well. If your in the same place months down the line change again. Finding what makes you happy won't always be easy. What you think will make you happy doesn't always work out like that. That's okay too. Your life is not on a fixed trajectory, there will be bumps and curves along the way, embrace them. 

And if your sat there happy with how your life is but think the grass is greener on the other side. Remember the grass is only greener because no one plays on it. Embrace the mess. 

Just don't wake up one day and regret the life you lived. Every path chosen will have been picked because it was the one that you needed to, that suited you best at the time. 

Embrace life. 

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