Wednesday 5 November 2014

Where am I going?

For the last few years I have hummed and hawed over what direction to take my life in. I had been so certain when I was younger what I wanted to be until one day I was at a loss. Suddenly any and all ambition I had was gone and I was left to muddle through. 

At 16 I got my first part time job, a taste of earning my own money and proper responsibility the first year came with a lot of uncertainty, who knew that whilst I pondered over taking a gap year straight after high school peoples main concern would be that I would get to used to earning and working and not want to return to education. I was confused I knew what both were like, I also knew how tiring it could be to juggle education with work and knew that this would not get easier when it came to further education. But this didn’t repel me from the thoughts of continuing with education, it was my safety net incase I choose not to. 

It was in those vital last few months that I changed my mind and applied to college, I picked a course that caught my attention, and suddenly there I was on it. The first few months were not what I thought. But suddenly we were half way through and into the nitty, gritty, the stuff that made it real. Suddenly the year was over and though when at the beginning I had thought I would only do the one year I was certain that I would do both. 

So here I am, in second year of college and though I’m still unsure in what direction my life is going. I am beginning to take more of a lead than I seem to have in the past. Instead of waiting to see what comes my way, I am looking for new opportunities, taking chances on things I never thought I would be doing and I am happy. 

I am happy with how my life is finally shaping out. And even if I fail I can try again, nobody succeeds the first time round. Nobody wakes up to have everything handed to them. Life is a continuous fight. You have to work hard to make it what you want. 

I look forward to sharing pieces of this journey with you. More to come soon. 

Till next time! 

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